Flower Essence consultations are offered by phone and in person (Cleveland, Ohio)
“There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind, and inner happiness.”
Dr. Edward Bach

How do the Remedies work?
Why make life harder than it needs to be? Nature is ready to support you in your every difficulty. Come back into Balance.
The purpose of Flower Essence Therapy is to achieve balance between the mind, body, and spirit; gently correcting the emotional upsets that give rise to physical symptoms or delay recovery from an illness.
They are catalysts to initiate change; guiding us from a negative emotional or mental state into a balanced positive state.
The essences may be used singly or in custom made combinations to address each individual and their current emotional and mental responses.
While emotions are perfectly natural, we are not always adept at allowing them to flow through us or at expressing them in healthy ways. Unresolved emotions can hinder us in life, compounding our challenges. We often develop habitual patterns of response in times of stress that may not serve us well.
The Remedies are taken orally assisting our energetic system to come into balance, allowing natural energy to flow, and gently flooding our system with the positive attributes that will bring about balance.
I recommend a 3 month commitment, especially if you are new to this partnership with the Remedies. During this time you will be training yourself to notice subtle behind the scenes changes. Think gentle power here, not power that bowls you over. Instead, the Remedies create internal change in a way that your system can integrate and sustain.
With a three month commitment you will receive a minimum of six 1 oz. bottles of your personal blend, an initial consultation with two follow-up consultations. Three months of personalized support for $175.00 + tax.
Your Personal Blend
Your personal blend is made up of the remedies that address what you are currently experiencing. What comes to the surface is exactly what is ready to be healed. For long standing habits and patterns there is usually an unfolding process. Layer by layer we continue to address what comes to the surface. In this way we do not overwhelm your system. Each shift has time to come to the surface, be seen and be gently led to resolution.

There’s a remedy for that…
There is no need to be limited by old patterns of the past. Call on the wisdom of the flowers to assist you in change.
Impatience? there’s a remedy to support you. Heartbreaking loss? yep. Huge new challenge or big change? yesiree. Long term intense mental activity? Check. Grief, Procrastination, Lack of Focus, or Anger, Despair and on and on…there is a remedy for it.
Each Flower Remedy is selected to address a particular emotion or state of mind assisting our energy system to come into alignment and balance.
What might I experience?
- increased relaxation of body and mind
- inspiration to act and respond from your best
- improved coping skills for everyday challenges
- improved balance and pacing of life
- greater self awareness
- subtle inner re-adjusting from a negative to a positive attitude of life’s challenges
- experiencing the space between stimulus and response

Finding the Sweet Spot
Moving from reaction to conscious response
Over time, when we partner with the Flower Remedies, we experience an opening… the window of opportunity between stimulus and response opens a little wider… it becomes easier for us to consciously choose our response to a trigger. We can experience the emotion without being ‘derailed’ by it.
When we find the Sweet Moment of choice, instead of merely reacting in the old habitual patterns we thought we were locked into, we find a space of awareness where we can choose our action consciously. This liberates us and supports us to move forward with a healthier wholeness empowered to face life with new energy. The Remedies follow your own unfolding. Your personal timing is steering the relationship. You change, the Remedies change, the world around you changes, you change, the Remedies shift in response. The shifts and change are constant but so is the dynamic support of the essences.
With long term use, there is a continual evolution towards our best self. It is a natural occurrence to become more self aware as we mature and move through the stages of our life. As we do, there will be opportunities to ask for the assistance of the Remedies to make these shifts easier. The Remedies help us to integrate these positive changes more fully into our system.
In a client’s words…
“They are like liquid faith and energy for my soul…and they have been a lifesaver. They help me with heartaches and headaches.”
“The Flower Essence formula you have prepared for me is absolutely wonderful. Actually I have seen a very pronounced difference in how I feel, particularly in my impulsiveness… I have done very well with patience. This blend you have created is terrific!”
Common Questions about Flower Remedies
Are Flower Essences the same as essential oils?
No they are not. Most essential oils are not meant to be taken orally. They are powerful and wonderful helpers but definitely not the same as Flower Essences.
The words Essences and Remedies seem to be used interchangeably. Is this correct?
Yes, this is correct. It is a bit confusing but different companies and different countries use different words.
Can I treat myself with the Flower Remedies?
Most certainly you can. A healthy and clear intuition along with a simple guidebook like Bach’s 38 Flower Remedies would be a good starting point.
Why do I need a practitioner to choose remedies for me?
I see two reasons to consult a practitioner.
Sometimes it is difficult to take a truly objective look at ourself and the habits that are deeply ingrained. An objective observer can help uncover hidden blocks and ask questions to discover old patterns or the root of the issue. When we are just beginning with the remedies, it is not uncommon to think we need every one of them!
A practitioner can assist you to in discerning what the most important Remedies are for this moment in time.
There are many Remedies on the market. Most individuals will not be interested in purchasing dozens and dozens of Remedies only to need them occasionally or to address an issue that can be quickly resolved. With a practitioner you have access to many individual essences and also unlimited personal combinations to address any issues that you face.
How do I use the Remedies?
The remedies are taken orally on or under the tongue or mixed in with any beverage. Normally it is suggested to take them first thing in the morning, last thing at night and at least two other times in a day.
Are they safe for all ages and what if I am on medication?
The Remedies are safe for all ages, even young children.
I would like to keep a few common Remedies on hand at home. What do you suggest?
I always keep Bach’s Rescue Remedy or Flower Essence Society’s Five Flower blend on hand for emergencies and trauma of all kinds. Beyond that, you may find that you tend to have a ‘default’ response to stress. This would be the emotion or response that you usually fall into when life throws you a curve ball. It would be very helpful to have these two on hand at home.
If you are new to partnering with the Remedies, I recommend a three month trial. During this time you will be training yourself to notice the subtle behind the scenes changes. Think gentle power here, not power that bowls you over. Instead, they create internal change in a way that your system can integrate and sustain.
The Flower Remedies are not meant to replace conventional therapy or medical advice. They are, instead, a support and a complimentary addition to health.
You may use the information contained within this website in the general pursuit of wellness and a healthy lifestyle. However, it is not intended that the materials within this website should act as a substitute for informed medical advice and care when an individual or those in their care are faced with illness. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat serious medical problems and illness without consulting the appropriate medical practitioner or specialist as needed.
Contact me
Have an idea, comment or question? I’d love to hear from you.
Email me at LookingDeeperNow@gmail.com.
Contact me
Have an idea, comment or question? I’d love to hear from you.
Email me at LookingDeeperNow@gmail.com.