Walk when you want…
More and more of my walks are the result of a request…they are custom built for the individual, group or organization who were curious enough to contact me. They are meaningful events for your friends or co-workers, or as a part of family events and celebrations.
Prices vary with location and number of people. Join the curious ones and let me design a walk for you! Contact me.
…with who you want.

No two walks the same.

“I have been on several of Mary Alice’s Forest Therapy walks and they never disappoint. I always learn something new about myself or gain clarity over an issue that has been keeping me stuck. It is a beautiful way to learn to communicate with nature, to take time to just be, and to allow nature to work its magic and wisdom on you. Mary Alice facilitates this beautifully as she suggests exercises along the way to stimulate your senses, to open up to clarity and to stretch your capabilities in a gentle yet very effective way. These walks truly are a breath of fresh air to the soul.”
Contact me
Have an idea, comment or question? I’d love to hear from you.
Email me at LookingDeeperNow@gmail.com.
Contact me
Have an idea, comment or question? I’d love to hear from you.
Email me at LookingDeeperNow@gmail.com.