Mary Alice Mastrovito
My professional life began in the fields of music and teaching before moving on to careers in horticulture, including my own garden design and maintenance business. Through it all was an interest in healing in the broadest sense and a deepening personal spirituality. Later trainings included certifications in Reiki, Flower Essences, Nature and Forest Therapy, and ordination as an inter-faith minister.
Through it all, Nature has been my cherished and trusted partner guiding me through personal evolution.
I have been blessed with teachers of the highest integrity, some of whom are represented below.
“We are here to unleash the physical, energetic, and spiritual potentialities within us and other species, and to bring greater life, joy, and wisdom to the universe.”
from Partnering with Nature, Catriona MacGregor

How I Work
I have found that no matter how “pretty” I make my outer world, or how well furnished it may be, or even how well I “play the game” society expects of me, I am nothing without a flourishing inner world. If I lack self respect, honor, integrity, healthy relationships and a way to contribute to the world, my experience of life dims, withers and becomes cold and lifeless.
It is my inner world that fuels, guides, embellishes, and leads me to a whole and happy life. Not the other way around. I am not unique in this. This is as natural as breathing. You, too, have an inner world, an inner voice of guidance, and a rich and wonderful storehouse that resides within whether you know it at this moment or not.
The tools used within Looking Deeper, (Nature Immersion / Forest Therapy / Shinrin-yoku, Flower Essences, Mentoring and Spiritual Companionship) overlap, intertwine, and come together in ways that are as unique as each person who comes to my practice. A client may begin with any one of these areas only to find that the tools from another area help them to connect the dots and jump over hurdles leading them to insight, clarity, and wholeness.
I will work with you as a co-creator, bringing my experience, tools and training to meet you and yours. Your input is crucial, not just my own. In addition, we will include, honor, and respect the voice of Spirit moving in each of us and our time together. In this way, that inner voice, our constant ‘silent partners,’ become not so silent. We consciously choose to cooperate with Spirit and we are both empowered in the process.
May we each remember that every day is an adventure to be lived with bold confidence and joy!
“We’re so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget the inner value. The rapture that is associated with being alive is what it is all about.”
Joseph Campbell
I believe that the simple, essential things in life bring deep and lasting happiness: the health of our relationships, our connection to the people in our life, the peace and sanctity of our homes, the fulfillment of meaningful work, and the rejuvenation of joyful play.
I believe we are continually growing into deeper wholeness as we move through the experiences of our lives. The willingness to observe our thoughts, listen to our hearts and move in tandem with both will lead us to the joy of an integrated life.
I believe each of us has an inner voice assuring us of our inherent worth, and this inner voice will guide us to the best outcome.
I believe that our teachers are many and include all forms of life. We have much to gain from seeing with new eyes, hearing with new ears, and remaining open to new wisdom at every stage of life.
I believe our everyday lives are rich with meaning and full of sacred moments. It is the conscious everyday choices of our lives that lead us to experience profound joy, deep fulfillment, and a lasting connection to all life.
Mary Alice

And everything that for so long had seemed so ordinary had suddenly become so extraordinary, and I wondered if, in fact, it hadn’t been this way all along: that perhaps for my whole life it had been this way, so utterly alive, so clear, so vibrant. Perhaps in my lifelong quest to reach the spectacular and the dramatic, I had missed the ordinary, and with it, and through it, and in it, the utterly extraordinary.
A Walk In The Rain by Paul Foster
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